About Donald Smith

I am Donald Smith and I’m a professional carpenter. I’ve been carpentry for many years and have written about it extensively on my website Carpentrygear.com. I’m also a certified carpenter, so I know what I’m talking about!

I love helping people learn about carpentry, and providing them with the best gear and tips to improve their woodworking skills. I also have a lot of useful guides and helpful material for students who are just starting out in the trade.

I have been carpenter for over 10 years and have worked on projects ranging from small repairs to full-scale construction. In addition to my carpentry work, I am also a certified carpenter and have advised people on the best carpentry gear to use.

I enjoy writing about carpentry and providing tips to improve woodworking techniques. I also provide useful guides and helping material for students who are starting out in the carpentry trade.

Donald Smith Signature